Thursday, 5 June 2014

The Last Post

Dear followers, 

It is with heavy hearts that we announce that, for various unavoidable reasons, Penzance Post has run its course. 

The three of us started the blog to make a point to the town’s down-talkers: that Penzance boasts a bounty of goodness. In the process, we spent a thoroughly enjoyable couple of years discovering the area’s highlights, and we hope our findings have been of some use and inspiration. So, while the blog’s life has ended, and only scratched the surface of the town’s treasure, we believe its point has been made with unquestionable clarity. 

Because much of its content remains relevant, the blog (as it stands) will remain live for the foreseeable future.

We thank all our encouragers and contributors.

All the best,

Gerard, Dee and Nik

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